Your rights as an airline passenger
The rights of airline passengers are laid down in numerous regulations. In February 2004, a European Regulation came into force that protects your rights as an airline passenger; Regulation 261/2004. Regulation 261/2004 protects the rights of passengers in the event of a flight delay, cancellation or denied boarding.
Regulation 889/2002 ensures that air passengers can claim compensation from the airline in the event of loss, damage, destruction or delay of baggage.
If you have claims under both regulations, you can combine them and submit one claim.
Tips in the event of a flight disruption
1Be careful with accepting vouchers. These are often difficult to exchange and have a limited validity. They may also limit your right to compensation.
2Be careful with accepting vouchers. These are often difficult to exchange and have a limited validity. They may also limit your right to compensation.
3Save all documents, tickets and receipts in the event of costs due to problems with your baggage.
4Ask your travel agent or insurance for help to contact the airline upon your return.
5Above all, always remain calm and try to enjoy your journey!
When are you entitled to financial compensation?
The EC Regulation 261/2004 protects passengers when they are denied boarding, or when their flight is cancelled or delayed. If you have experienced any of these issues, you may be entitled to compensation! The compensation can be up to € 600 per person for the loss of time. The EC Regulation 261/2004 applies to all passengers and all flights departing from an airport located in the territory of an EU member state, regardless of the nationality of the airline. It also applies to passengers departing from an airport located in a third country to an airport situated in the territory of an EU member state when the airline is registered in a European country. If you think you are entitled to compensation, you can submit your claim by sending the EU complaint form to the airline. You can also submit your claim to a passengers advocate firm such as EUclaim, or contact your travel agent, travel insurance or legal expenses insurer.