Delayed Flight
Your rights in the event of a delayed flight
Did you suffer a flight delay? As a passenger you have different rights according to Regulation 261/2004. In the event of a long delay, you will be entitled to care and compensation for the loss of time.
Flight delayed, what now?
- In case of flight delay, check your entitlement to care such as meals, beverages and, if necessary, an accommodation with transfer
- Check your right to compensation up to € 600 per person
- Take into account extraordinary circumstances. In that case you may not be entitled to compensation
- Submit your claim for your flight delay directly with the airline or let a third party help you.
Right to care
You are entitled to care if the airline expects the departure delay to exceed:
- Two hours or more on flights of 1500 km or less
- Three hours or more on all flights within the EU of more than 1500 km and for flights between 1500 and 3500 km
- Four hours or more on all other flights
The right to care consists of meals, refreshments and two free telephone calls, fax or e-mail messages. The meals and refreshments are always in reasonable proportion to the delay. If the airline does not offer you care, you can purchase this yourself ask for a refund of the costs later from the airline. It is therefore important to keep all the receipts.
Right to accommodation
If the expected delay between the planned and actual departure time is so long that you are forced to extend your stay by one or more days, the airline is also obliged to provide an accommodation. Transport between the airport and the location of the accommodation must be included. Has the airline not offered you accommodation? In that case, you can find a hotel yourself and request a refund of the costs later from the airline. Again, it is important to keep all receipts.

Money back for a flight delay
If your departure delay is expected to exceed five hours you can choose to cancel your trip. If you choose not to travel any further, the airline is obliged to refund the ticket price for the parts of the journey not made. If you are only halfway through your trip, you are entitled to a return flight to the first point of departure.
Right to compensation in the event of delay
Was your flight delayed by three hours or more? Then you may be entitled to compensation for the loss of time suffered. You are entitled to compensation for an arrival delay of three or more hours. In the event of a delay, the arrival time stated on your booking confirmation and the actual arrival time is key. In addition, it must be an airline with an EU registration or a flight that departs from an EU airport. If the delay was caused by an extraordinary circumstance, then you do not have the right to financial compensation.
Missed connection due to delay
Have you booked connecting flights and was your first flight delayed to the extent that you missed your connecting flight? In this case, you may also be entitled to compensation. In case of a missed connection, the arrival delay at your final destination is important. If this delay is three hours or more, you may be entitled to compensation for the loss of time.
Extraordinary circumstances in the case of a flight delay
If the delay of your flight was caused by an extraordinary circumstance, you do not have a right to financial compensation. This entails a situation that is not inherent to the normal exercise of the activity of the airline and is therefore beyond its control. An example of an extraordinary circumstance is a strike by air traffic control or poor weather conditions.
Flight delayed due to an extraordinary circumstance, what now?
In the event of an extraordinary circumstance, you are not entitled to financial compensation under Regulation 261/2004. If delay of the flight is caused by an exceptional circumstance, you are entitled to care and an accommodation should it be necessary. If the airline does not offer this, you can request they reimburse the costs you have made at a later date.
Amount of compensation for flight delays
The amount of the compensation in case of delay, as stated in Regulation 261/2004, is determined by the distance of the flight.

Flight destinations within the EU
- € 250 compensation for a delayed flight of up to 1500 km
- € 400 compensation for a delayed flight of more than 1500 km
Flight destinations outside the EU
- € 250 compensation for a delayed flight of up to 1500 km
- € 400 compensation for a delayed flight from 1500 km to 3500 km
- € 600 compensation for a delayed flight of more than 3500 km
In case of flight delays between three and four hours and a distance of 3500 kilometers or more, you are entitled to 50% of the compensation.
Claim compensation for your delayed flight
Would you like to know what you are entitled to from the airline for the cancellation of your flight? Fill in your flight details on the website of EUclaim and check your compensation. If you fall within the scope of the Regulation you can file your claim with EUclaim, contact the airline directly, or request assistance from your travel agency, travel insurance.
Tips bij problemen met uw vlucht
1Be careful with accepting vouchers. These are often difficult to exchange and have a limited validity. They may also limit your right to compensation.
2Write down all of the details concerning your flight incident and ask for a written statement from the airline.
3Save all documents, tickets and receipts in the event of costs due to problems with your baggage.
4Ask your travel agent or insurance for help to contact the airline upon your return.
5Above all, always remain calm and try to enjoy your journey!